Determining When to Grow a Business


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Grow a Business

Since 2015, James Neumann has served as the president of Shout Outdoor Media, a company that produces billboards and other forms of outdoor media. The billboard company is based in Chicago, Illinois, and relies on James Neumann’s prior successes in business to provide it the leadership it needs.

Part of leading a company requires figuring out when to grow it. In many situations, a need for growth is made clear by a business’ steadily growing customer base. While gaining new customers is extremely important to a company’s success, it can prevent businesses from effectively meeting the increased demand for their product or service. When customers are waiting several months for a particular service, it may be time for a business to grow.

Some business leaders prefer growing on their own terms and may feel their company is ready based on its past performance. Consistent profits throughout changes in the economy demonstrate that an entity is capable of handling challenges within the market and prove that a business has established a loyal customer base. Given these signs of success, leaders may decide that it is the right time to grow.

Further, companies that have clear growth goals and a solid management team may be ready to expand. With these aspects in place, leaders are capable of monitoring success during a period of business growth and delegating important tasks to skilled individuals. However, leaders must take the time to complete thorough research regarding everything from government regulations and minimum wage variations to market predictions and size before starting the process.